For more than 40 years EURAL GNUTTI S.p.A. has been producing special sections for several sectors of industry.
Following the requirements of ever more sophisticated and demanding products, and of continuous improvement in quality and certification, EURAL GNUTTI S.p.A. has become involved in a special way, in the development of the production process concerning the products for the pneumatic industry, and the excellent results obtained so far, have allowed EURAL GNUTTI S.p.A.
The precision extrusion process, the special cold drawing operation (calibration) of the internal and/or external diameter, the specific semi-hard anodizing of inside and outside diameters, and the availability of a large range of free sections in stock, offer relevant technical standards and obvious economic advantages, ideal for the construction of pneumatic cylinders. Our standard procedures include systematic inspection of roundness (by calibrating the I.D.) and a complete range of statistical tests including:
- • dimensional inspection;
- • chemical composition;
- • mechanical characteristics;
- • thickness and hardness of the anodizing layer;
- • roughness of the internal bore.
It is useful to stress the fact that the roughness parameters are measured according to EN ISO 4288 and that for these measurements we use extremely accurate and reliable instruments. But the most important factor is that the measurements are carried out over a 360° inspection with a second final inspection where the roughness coefficient R max is found.